The Commonwealth Connection: CWEIC Release Joint Report with the City of London

In partnership with the City of London, CWEIC have released a joint report on the growing trade in services across the Commonwealth. The report draws on a series of interviews with senior business and policy leaders who attended the Commonwealth Business Forum in April 2018. Compromising 53 nations and home to a third of the… Continue reading The Commonwealth Connection: CWEIC Release Joint Report with the City of London

CWEIC Welcomes Horyal Investments as First Ugandan Strategic Partner

Horyal Investments is a Ugandan business which operates in a diverse variety of sectors, largely focusing on infrastructure in North Uganda. The work that Horyal is conducting there is hugely influential, especially in Amuru District, where Horyal has most recently invested in the region’s first sugar factory, cited as the first large-scale project for Northern… Continue reading CWEIC Welcomes Horyal Investments as First Ugandan Strategic Partner

The Board of CWEIC announces that Richard Burge will be standing down as Chief Executive

The board of CWEIC announces that Richard Burge will be standing down at the end of the year as Chief Executive. Among a host of other responsibilities, Richard was tasked with leading the hugely successful Commonwealth Business Forum in April 2018. Alongside the success of the Forum, under Richard’s direction, CWEIC now has 70 Strategic… Continue reading The Board of CWEIC announces that Richard Burge will be standing down as Chief Executive

Ghana EXIM Bank Join CWEIC as Strategic Partners

Ghana EXIM Bank, the result of a merger between three central Ghanain government agencies, is the principle export finance institution for the Government of Ghana. The bank have joined the CWEIC as Strategic Partners, and Lawrence Agyinsam, Ghana EXIM Bank’s Chief Executive Officer has been appointed as the bank’s representative to CWEIC’s International Advisory Council. Ghana… Continue reading Ghana EXIM Bank Join CWEIC as Strategic Partners

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