Rosie Glazebrook’s Visit to Gibraltar Highlighted in Gibraltar Chronicle

CWEIC has been featured in the Gibraltar Chronicle after a busy and fruitful visit to Gibraltar by CWEIC CEO Rosie Glazebrook. We are grateful to hear the positive reception from Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, Minister for Justice, Trade, and Industry, for HM Government of Gibraltar.
Commenting on the visit, the Minister stated: “It is great to receive the CWEIC delegation in what marks the continuation of our commitment to promote and nurture Gibraltar-Commonwealth business links. I took the opportunity of this visit to provide an update on our financial sectors, to highlight our latest initiatives and key areas of focus with the view of fostering further collaboration with Commonwealth stakeholders.”
Read more here.
We look forward to continuing to work with the HM Government of Gibraltar and our local partners, A.M. Capurro, Gibraltar Finance, Hassans, Triay Lawyers, Visit Gibraltar, through our Gibraltar Hub led by Jared Peralta.