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CWEIC Identifies Key Ministers in New UK Government Relevant to Commonwealth Business


CWEIC Identifies Key Ministers in New UK Government Relevant to Commonwealth Business

After the UK’s General Election on July 4th, the new Government, led by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, is now established. With a fresh cohort of ministers appointed, their primary responsibility will be to advance the nation’s key priorities over the next five years. CWEIC outlines which new ministers will be most relevant to the Commonwealth business community.

Department for Business and Trade

  • Jonathan Reynolds MP is the UK’s new Secretary of State for Business and Trade, responsible for managing the Government’s relations with international and domestic businesses, managing trade deals, and setting import and export policy.
  • The Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP will be serving as a Junior Minister (Minister of State). Alexander served as Secretary of State for International Development (2007-10), Secretary of State for Scotland (2006-07), and Secretary of State for Transport (2006-07) in the last Labour government, and has returned to politics after losing his seat at the 2015 General Election.
  • Sarah Jones MP completes the Minister of State team. She will also hold an additional portfolio as Minister of State for Industry and Decarbonisation at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.
  • Justin Madders MP,  Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, and Gareth Thomas MP will serve as Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of State, supporting the Secretary of State in his duties.

Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO)

  • The Rt Hon David Lammy MP holds the top job as Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs. David served as a Minister in the Labour government for nine years, from 2001 to 2010, and was appointed as a Privy Councillor in 2008.
  • Anneliese Dodds MP a former public policy analyst will assist the Secretary of State as Minister of State, as well as serving as Minister for Women and Equalities at the Department for Education.
  • Stephen Doughty MP will also serve as Junior Minister within the Department.
  • Catherine West MP and the Lord Collins of Highbury round out the Foreign Office team, serving as Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of State.