HE Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria Champions Commonwealth Trade in The Times

HE Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria has been a strong supporter of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council since its formation on 2014. Nigeria is one of our most active partners, convening the largest grouping of Strategic Partners within the Council outside of the UK.
Nigeria is also home to our longest running overseas Hub and Country Director. Given the strength of commitment from the Nigerian business community, CWEIC formed its first Nigeria Advisory Council in Lagos last year under the Chair of Mr Olasupo Shasore SAN, Partner, Africa Law Practice and former Attorney General for Lagos State.
In the article, HE Muhammadu Buhari calls for the UK and Nigeria, as two leading Commonwealth economies, to “try, with other members, to deliver more collectively”. HE the President recognises that “the Commonwealth will not suddenly become a multilateral-free trade zone” given that “many members reside within regional free trade and customs zones of their own. Yet without any of us needing to relinquish these ties, we can work together to minimise, consistent with respective memberships, as far as possible many of the tariffs and barriers on commodities, products and services. Because member countries’ national laws are built on the principles of English jurisprudence, we might work together from this common platform to better align regulations on investment, certification and trade.”
Read the full article, behind the pay wall, here: