Niro Cooke, CWEIC Board Member and Chair of the Sri Lanka Hub, Discusses Sri Lanka’s FDI Landscape and Path to Sustainable Growth on The Forum

Niro Cooke, CWEIC Board Member and Chair of our Sri Lanka Hub, recently shared his thoughts on Sri Lanka and the FDI landscape on “The Forum” by LMD TV.
In the interview, he sheds light on the pivotal role of FDI in driving technological advancement and upskilling Sri Lanka’s workforce. With advantages such as its strategic location and educated workforce, Sri Lanka stands poised for growth.
The country has to look towards embracing sustainable industrialisation and tradeable export-oriented sectors, all of which can be achieved through fostering a business and investment friendly environment.
This requires the partnership of multiple stakeholders ranging from governments to business and organisations like the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council. Watch the interview below.