Auguste Mbappe Penda
Hub Chair – Cameroon, Gabon, and Togo
Auguste Mbappe Penda graduated with an MA in Economics from the University of Yaoundé and as a Civil Administrator from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) Yaoundé (1986). He began his career at the Supreme State Audit before being appointed Deputy General Manager and Acting General Manager of the Cameroon Debt Recovery Corporation. In 2006, he was appointed General Manager of Cameroon National Shippers’ Council by presidential decree.
Amongst other responsibilities, he serves as Statutory Treasurer of the Union of African Shippers’ Councils, Honorary President of Women in Maritime Africa (WIMA) Cameroon chapter, and Honorary President of the Cameroon Maritime Law Association. For the last 13 years, he has contributed to meetings with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the United Nations as Cameroon’s technical representative. He is a decorated Knight of the Cameroon National Order of Merit.