Jared Peralta

Hub Director – Gibraltar

Jared Peralta serves as CWEIC’s Country Director for Gibraltar, tasked with growing our network in the region.

Jared is the Managing Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) Gibraltar, a non-profit organisation focused on developing a local entrepreneurial ecosystem, aiding policy development and leading national delegations to key events.

In parallel Jared also works for the Bassadone Automotive Group (BAG), a leading vehicle supplier for the UN, GO’s and NGOs in developing countries with the primary focus of converting vehicles for humanitarian aid purposes.

Prior to the above, Jared founded a business dealing with the manufacture and supply of specialist recycling units designed specifically for nature reserves. As a keen business enthusiast with a drive for helping small businesses, Jared also became a volunteer consultant for struggling businesses in the UK and in Gibraltar.

Jared is a graduate of Business Management from Cardiff University, is a Prince2 Practitioner and amongst several personal development courses, has attended the Washington Leaders Programme during his time in the U.S.

He has also represented Gibraltar on different Commonwealth platforms and is focused on developing further links with the Commonwealth.