Cameroon Investment Promotion Agency

The Investment Promotion Agency is a public administrative institution with a legal personality and financial autonomy. The Agency is under the technical supervision of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic and the finance supervision of the Ministry of Finance.
The IPA’s mission is to:
- Promote investment into Cameroon;
- Promote the brand image of Cameroon internationally;
- Strengthen the attractiveness of Cameroon;
- Welcome, assist and orientate foreign and domestic private sector investors through all the stages of development of their investment projects;
- Provide public services to companies which seek or have obtained an approval under the Investment Charter as well as monitor and control companies which have received benefits under the Charter;
- Obtain the necessary visas for foreign personnel for the execution of investment programs of companies granted incentives during the validity of the incentives.

Dr Diane Acha-Morfaw
Board Chairperson
Cameroon Investment Promotion AgencyDr Acha-Morfaw has been a practising lawyer, a lecturer in law and a social and governance activist for some 35 years. Her PhD thesis “The Legal Aspects of Foreign Investment in Africa” led her towards commercial and investment law. She has acted as legal counsel for several multinational corporations operating in the industrial, service and extractive sectors as well as consultant to the World Bank, IMF and UNDP.
As acting president of the Cameroon National Elections Observatory, she supervised the first combined legislative and municipal elections held in 2002 and 2007 as well as the 2004 Presidential election in Cameroon.
Since its inception, she has been Board Chair of Cameroon’s Investment Promotion Agency, which enables her to work with both private sector and public institutions to foster a more conducive business and investment environment in Cameroon. She sits on a number of other Boards.