FEICOM is a Public Economic and Financial Establishment created by law No.74/23 of 5th December 1974 organising Councils in Cameroon.
FEICOM has been organized several times. The last reorganization took place on 31 October 2018, by Presidential decree N°. 2018/635 which made it a public Economic and Financial Establishment. Its mission is to contribute to the harmonious development of all Regional and Local Authorities on the basis of national solidarity and inter-regional and inter-council balance, in collaboration with the administrations concerned.

AKOA Philippe Camille
General Manager
FEICOMFrom 2005 to 2006, he successfully led the restructuring of FEICOM through the restoration of financial balances as well as the development and implementation of a management policy to control the operating costs of this organization which has been providing since 1974, a public service mission, that of supporting Local Authorities in their development projects.
Moreover, since his appointment at the head of this institution, he has undertaken important reforms aimed at its modernisation, improving the services provided to Local Authorities and stepping up the level of representation of women in positions of responsibility. The outstanding results obtained between 2006 and 2011, both in the mobilization of resources and in the financing of development projects earned Mr. AKOA Philippe Camille congratulations from the President of the Republic of Cameroon.
More and more, international financial organizations (KfW, ADB and the European Union) trust this institution within the framework of their support to the decentralization process in Cameroon. Thanks to its working methods and commitment, FEICOM has become an essential tool in the Cameroonian local development financing system. Its leadership has led to the financing of more than 1,400 council projects aimed at improving the living environment and conditions of the population.
From 2006 to 2021, the resources mobilised and the volume of financing granted by FEICOM to Local Authorities have increased significantly. Under his leadership, the organization received in 2012, a distinction from the United Nations in the framework of the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour, a certification to the ISO 9001 version 2015 and a certification to the ISO 140001 version 2015.