Institution of Occupational Safety and Health

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the world’s largest membership organisation and only Chartered professional body for safety and health professionals, with over 50,000 members in 130 countries, of which over 43,500 are in 36 Commonwealth countries.
They are a charity established for the public good and an Accredited Organisation to the Commonwealth. Their vision, outlined in our new 5-year strategy Activate 2028, envisions a safe and healthy world of work. As the largest membership body for health and safety professionals, their champion occupational safety and health (OSH) causes and advocate for change. Their influence extends to advising governments, NGOs, and policymakers.
Through IOSH Services Ltd, the wholly-owned trading arm, they facilitate safety and health awareness training in approximately 130 countries. IOSH for Business collaborates with organisations of all sizes to expedite their OSH strategy. Additionally, they serve as an awarding organisation for occupational safety and health qualifications, commission research, and establish national and international standards. They play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the OSH profession.

Alan Stevens
Head of Strategic Engagement
Institution of Occupational Safety and HealthAlan has held the position of Head of Strategic Engagement at the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) for the past five years. As such Alan has been responsible for developing and leading on IOSH’s global collaborative activities to drive a safe and healthy world of work. Since creation of his role, Alan has forged unique and highly impactful collaborative plans with the WHO, ILO, UN Global Compact, The Commonwealth and ISSA as well as with the Governments of Japan, Korea, Singapore, Ghana and Nigeria to aid the delivery of their ambitious National OSH agendas.
Alan holds a highly respected understanding of the complex system of how societies operate and through his work brings together Governments, Investors, Regulators and the Workforce to develop OSH systems that are robust and sustainable through each and every viewpoint. As an expert in both National and Organisational culture, Alan is a widely sought after public speaker on this subject and prior to joining IOSH lead a leading global consultancy focusing on complex corporate mergers and post-conflict government capacity building.