TPP is a healthcare technology company with over 20 years of expertise in delivering software designed to support the effective, efficient and safe provision of healthcare.

TPP’s unique, integrated EHR solution and Personalised Health Record, is a centralised, cloud-based clinical system hosted on a single platform infrastructure with functionality to support patients as well as primary care, secondary care, mental health and social care practitioners. We are actively embedding AI and Genetic data into patient and clinical apps to provide early detection of diseases as well as providing clinicians with effective, proactive tools to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes.

TPP is known for its outstanding achievements in UK healthcare, with over 50 million NHS health records held on its single database. TPP’s SystmOne is used as a core clinical system, serving more than 235,000 clinicians across 7,000 healthcare services across the globe. We have one of the largest primary care databases in the world, and have unrivalled experience using and understanding that health data. We help government and academic organisations understand and analyse national health trends and monitor disease outbreaks, whilst our in-depth demographic studies, such as that of frailty, lead to better knowledge of the causes of hospitalisation. These key insights can inspire real change within health systems and lead to new solutions for disease prevention and outcomes.


Ashley Brook

Ashley Brook
