World Wide Generation - G17Eco

World Wide Generation - G17Eco

World Wide Generation is an award-winning sustainability FinTech company that has developed G17Eco, the world’s first truly global sustainability data, finance and solutions exchange.

G17Eco is a partnership-driven ecosystem platform that helps any organisation and nation map, monitor, measure, manage and market their sustainability performance end to end. G17Eco members can also share data directly with their internal and external stakeholders and access a rewards marketplace from one interoperable platform.

Launched at the end of 2020 in the UK, G17Eco is the culmination of 300+ expert contributors to the platform over five years, including major support from the UK Government and City of London.

G17Eco is like coming into a virtual sustainability gym. They have the very best tools, programs, data and practitioners to help nations and organisations achieve sustainability peak performance.

G17Eco uses breakthrough 4IR technologies such as databot, blockchain, AI and IoT and their sustainability as a service support makes it easier for organisations to realise value quicker while reducing duplication of effort, time, cost and risk in sustainability reporting to internal and external stakeholders so that you can access and retain more talent, customers and investors.


Musidora Jorgensen

Musidora Jorgensen

Chief Impact Officer

World Wide Generation - G17Eco